Saturday, June 15, 2024

SIngapore: Battlebox and the legendary bars of the Raffles hotel


Battlebox was the command post of he British during WWII as they defended against a Japanese assault. Twenty-eight rooms sprawl through the underground complex, and the bunker recreation is eerie and poignant. It is easy to imagine the increasing desperation of the British as they spiraled to an unconditional surrender to the Japanese on February 15, 1942.

                                             Below is the escape hatch from the bunker complex. 

                               Historical plaques convey helpful information about the battle for Singapore.


On a far lighter note, no visit to Singapore would be complete without a visit to the Long Bar at the Raffles Hotel. The Singapore Sling was invented there, and when in Singapore...

 Another bar at Raffles is the Writers Bar, known for its extensive cocktail list with pages dedicated to famed authors who stayed at the hotel. I'm not getting a page of my own, but I did have a nice picture. The title of my novel would make a great name for a cocktail!!

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