Saturday, September 10, 2016

Osaka, Japan

Have toured Osaka before, but this incredible city has so much to offer that I engaged the services of an excellent guide, Toyoko Michino, to show me some of the sites that I'd never visited before. We toured a local shopping arcade and the always energetic Dontobori entertainment district, jammed with stores, bars, restaurants, and people.

The Umeda Sky Tower is a striking piece of architecture, with an an open-air walkway that affords terrific views over the city.

After lunching on a popular dish in Osaka, a fried 'pancake' of cabbage and assorted ingredients, we traveled to the beautiful Sumiyoshi Taisha shrine, known for the 'circle bridge' pictured below. An absolutely tranquil setting.

Osaka pancakes

Sake is viewed as a way of bringing together Gods and people and are common sights at Shinto Shrines

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